You want to open business ice cream

if you want to change your own destiny, then you must make sure to open this business, just the belief that it would be a success from the day before, then you must believe that will reap the success that can be felt later
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Hai sekalian manusia, makanlah yang halal lagi baik dari apa yang terdapat di bumi, dan janganlah kamu mengikuti langkah-langkah syaitan; karena sesungguhnya syaitan itu adalah musuh yang nyata bagimu.

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l    If you are looking for a recipe (in english language) how to make ice cream that is in various sites on the Internet, it is difficult / not be met. For example a coconut-flavored ice cream or something else. Then you are asked to buy fresh fruit and ice cream Fast food from the market of course. 

l   But now all that is not needed anymore for you, exactly the reason you can make at home your own ice cream with no effort. 

l  You want to develop this business, and increase your income other than income that you have received at this time was very less the answer is "you must be able to" live your machine set up that match your production capacity then you are ready to realize the business. Let's prove how much resilience & your abilities now.

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    i will share some experience about the ice cream. From the archives NCC, I have not found a material that will I have to say this. With an understanding of my writing this, the mothers and fathers do not have to bother looking for ice cream recipe, because the mothers and gentlemen can create their own recipe. 

  There are five components making up the ice cream: Cream, Scheme, Water, Sugar and Stabilizer. Water content in the ice cream between 60% -62%, if the water is too much the ice cream becomes rough, if the water is too little then the ice cream will become too dense. To be creamy, 60% -62% had been tested measures.  Thus, the dry material content is 38% -40%. 

NEGO....!!! untuk pemesanan semua mesin produksi

pesan sekarang juga.

Note: ...
Anda melakukan pembayaran
sesuai dengan ketentuan
dari harga yang tercantum

( pembayaran kontan 100%)

pembayaran dapat melalui tranfer bank

Bank BCA
Kanca; W E L E R I
No,Rek: 0800470625
a/n: susiyani.

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tergantung dengan harga negosiasi sebelumnya.
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